What’s NFT?
NFT stands for “non-fungible token” where you’ll be able to own / sell our unique digital game cards by purchasing them with ETH, Ethereum, cryptocurrency. The purchased data will be stored on a digital ledger (blockchain) to ensure your ownership and certifies that the digital asset (our game cards) is unique and not interchangeable. The blockchain is transformable tech that allows you to trade, sell and buy the same way you would have with a physical card.
What NFTs are offered by Itzo Games and why is that important?
We are happy to announce our NFT collection of Itzo Games trading cards that you can buy with crypto assets. The cards are unique and we are the FIRST indie game company to offer those. One day those NFT trading cards may cost a fortune as the company grows and the nature of NFT allows you to resell them if you’d like (cash out at a better price), it is totally up to you.

All Itzo Games trading cards are limited editions! Be the first to get your hands on them right now, because you may never get that chance again! The cards are not only collectables, but you can use them to play the “Epic Itzo Games Battle” card game. It is FREE and fun to play!
How to Play our Trading Cards Game?
In order to play, you need 3 dice, this is a 3-dice game. Toss a coin and whoever guesses the right heads/tail challenge will be the first to roll the dice. Distribute 5 cards to each player, facing down. Each player should get 5 cards only, that’s the base. Make sure all players have only five cards. After each player gets 5 cards (distributed randomly to all players), open them up so other players can see them. The first who wins the heads/tails challenge will roll the dice to begin the Epic Itzo Games Battle.
The dice will activate the card that corresponds to the winning number (sum of all 3 dice) shown on each card. If the number on the dice does not match with any of the 5 cards the player has, no card is being activated, the player waits for the next turn, does nothing. The other player with an active card has to wait until the other player have an active card. If the number on all 3 dice does not match (activate) any of the 5 cards for any player, a warning is being issued. After 3 consecutive warnings for no active cards, one card has to be removed from the 5 that are being distributed earlier (the player chooses which one). The removed card goes to the whole deck of the other undistributed cards. If both players have activated/active cards, the battle begins! The game is played until no cards are left.
When a card is activated and the other player does not have an active one, yet, the player with the active card must wait before it strikes to have at least one active card for the battle. As soon as the other player gets an active card, the player with the first active card strikes first and then the player with the last active card.
One player can have more than one active cards and may chooses which card to attack the other player with. When the card is active and it strikes (hits), it becomes inactive until it has been activated again, until rolling the dice again and have a matching number.
Note: Please track the damage being made for each card (with HP points). After all HP points are reduced from attacks, the card is removed from the player’s deck (base) and it is defeated. The removed card is going to the whole deck of other undistributed cards. If the active card is not killed by the attacks, remains either active or inactive with reduced HP points, but the player can activate another card when roll the dice and if they match the corresponding dice sequence. If the player has more than one activate card, he/she can chooses with which active card to play / hit the other player’s cards.
Thank you for the continous support and let the Epic Battle begins!! 😉
Here you can find all of our available game cards on:
Open Sea: https://opensea.io/collection/itzo-games-exclusive-nft-game-cards-limitededition
Rarible: https://rarible.com/itzogames